I’ve heard over and over again how important reviews are to a practice. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks one day. I was visiting another city and was looking for a great place to eat. And of course it had to be a Thai restaurant. How did I decide where to go? I ‘googled’ it.
So it was right then and there that I decided to pay more attention to getting more reviews for the practice. At that time we had about 5 reviews on google. Now we have 87. It has been about 14 months or so.

Public profiles rating
There are literally hundreds of ways of doing this. I’ve tried fancy software systems, ipad kiosks, asking patients, etc. I just want to share with you what we are doing right now.We Have A Pretty Basic Approach To Patient Reviews.
ASK. It’s pretty simple.
Usually I would say something simple like – “Mrs. Jones you’ve been a great patient in our practice. We are working on improving our overall Google ranking and helping others know more about our practice. Would you kindly take a moment of your time to leave an honest Google review on your experience at our practice. It would really mean a lot to me.”
It’s amazing what happens.
To make it easy for the patient simply hand them a business card with instructions on how to leave a review. Here’s what ours looks like:

Dental Arts Google Review Card
Give it a try and see what happens. You’ll be shocked. Now hopefully you are treating your patients well so you get 5 star reviews!
Subliminal Requests.
The other way we encourage reviews is utilizing our Revenue Well software. Baked into every message is a ‘leave a review’ button. If the patient clicks that, they can easily leave a review of your office.
You can take these reviews and feature them on Facebook and of course ask the patient to submit them to Google, Yelp, etc.
Reviews are an important part of your business. In today’s world you can’t properly represent your practice without them – especially the ones on Google.
Get started today!
Originally posted on 3D-dentists.com

T-Bone Speaks is a podcast dedicated to helping you achieve clinical, financial, and personal balance. You’ll love the entertaining demeanor and down to earth approach to dentistry.